Child of the Library

Child of the Library

Where we discover the words on our shelves and in our hearts

#23 - Alan Wake feat. books with open endings

#23 - Alan Wake feat. books with open endings

To be honest, sometimes I am not too invested in the games my husband plays. I bet that's a feeling that every backseat gamer knows too well. However, sometimes he tries to make it a little extra special for me and picks a game that caters exactly to what I like.

So in today's episode - inspired by the game 'Alan Wake' - we will talk about some books with open hate them or you love them...

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#22 - Frankfurt Book Fair 2021 and all the spooky books I read this month

Hey guys,
I am so excited to present you my 2021 Frankfurt Book Fair recap. It was so lovely to meet author Mark Tullius in person!
I also talk about all the mystery books I read during the cozy fall season already. And I wanted to shout out the 'Alphanumeric' podcast as their promotion of new and established authors and their short-form literature perfectly matches a book I absolutely loved when I read it recently. Check out the episode for more info and click here if you want to know more about 'Alphanumeric':

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#21 - Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

I'm back in front of my microphone after my summer/wedding break in September and it feels so good.

Come join me while I talk about what I did for this bridal tradition on my own wedding day and combine these prompts with matching books.

It's going to be fun :)

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#20 - One Piece, Detective Conan and juicy Pokémon stories with Randy

Hi guys,
I am back after my summer and wedding break and I am super excited for today's episode.

It was recorded in August, so please do not be irritated that my now husband is still called my fiancé and that the Olympics are still running.

But I had so much fun to talk with Randy about the genre of stories and television that we both love so much.
Come check out our collaboration episode over on his podcast where we talk about some cool theme parks we went to. You can find all his information on here:

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#19 - Book Talk with Jordanne from the 'Books To Last' Podcast Part 2

Oh yes, Jordanne and I had a wonderful time talking about books, but our conversation lasted so long that I had to divide it into two parts for the podcast.

I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last. We have quite some controversial books to talk about, so stay tuned ;)

As we found out that we also like the same books we decided to do a buddy read of 'Skyward' by Brandon Sanderson and we are so excited!

Come check out Jordanne over on all her channels:

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#18 - Book Talk with Jordanne from the 'Books To Last' Podcast Part 1

On my podcast I interviewed authors and spoke with people who want to get back into reading again.
But today's episode is super special to me as I am talking with someone who is also an avid reader and book podcaster: Jordanne from the 'Books To Last' podcast!

As we talked about so many cool topics I divided our collaboration into two parts. This one will be about our reading goals of 2021, reading translated books and talking about learning foreign languages, as well as sharing our latest reads.

Come check out Jordanne over on all her channels:

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#17 - The Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag 2021

I am so excited for this episode because I have watched the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag for so many years in YouTube videos and now I finally have a medium to do it myself.
Come join me on my way through the bookish questions for the first half year of 2021 and let's see what high and low lights I stumbled upon along the way!

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#16 - China x 'These Violent Delights'

Have you ever had a plan for a creative project and then something comes your way and you throw all plans to the wind? That is what happened to me and my next episode plans when I read Chloe Gong's 'These Violent Delights'.

I enjoyed it so much and literally decided on page 1 that I want to talk about it very soon. Listen to the episode to find out why ;)

图书馆的孩子 -> that's 'Child of the Library' in Chinese, by the way :)

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#15 - If Marie Kondō would convince me to only keep 30 books

The Konmari method of organizing has become very popular ever since Marie Kondō published her book 'The life-changing magic of tidying up' and got her own Netflix show. But her recommendation to only keep 30 books for the sake of decluttering has kept quite a few book lovers shying away from that.
Don't worry, there's a loophole, but what if I challenged myself to really narrow my bookshelf down to my top 30 picks? Check out this episode to find out ;)

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#14 - Famous paintings inspire my book recommendations

Thanks so much for everyone who participated and sent over the first famous paintings they could think of!
It was so much fun to interpret these masterpieces and see what first thoughts are being conjured...and then go to my Goodreads and match books that I am very excited to read.
It was a great time for me and I hope that you will get a lot of very good book recommendations along the way :)

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