#20 - One Piece, Detective Conan and juicy Pokémon stories with Randy
Hi guys,
I am back after my summer and wedding break and I am super excited for today's episode.
It was recorded in August, so please do not be irritated that my now husband is still called my fiancé and that the Olympics are still running.
But I had so much fun to talk with Randy about the genre of stories and television that we both love so much.
Come check out our collaboration episode over on his podcast where we talk about some cool theme parks we went to. You can find all his information on here:
My Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/childofthelibrary
My StoryGraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/child_of_the_library_podcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/childofthelibrary/
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